Friday, July 13, 2007

Free Pop-Photo Subscription currently offering FREE
Popular Photography Subscriptions

Here is the link:

This is not a scam (no money is involved) but you do need to provide some personal information, which they will no doubt share with marketers likely resulting in increased spam and junk mail. I use a yahoo e-mail account I set up just to give out to potential sources of spam and have not noticed a significant increase.

The Photography Resource Weblog has no affiliation with, other than following the procedures to get a free subscription ourselves. We started getting our subscription shortly after filling out our forms. As always when providing personal information over the internet it may be wise to avoid specifics and complete accuracy.

After creating an account and filling out the marketing information forms you will be issued a 1 year subscription to Popular Photography. Other free magazines will be offered to you as well depending upon your answers provided th the survey forms. We choose to receive Flying and Sound & Vision magazine for free as well.

Several on-line magazines were also offered, but although they look interesting we choose to decline all e-mail subscriptions.

If anyone feels like is not what they seem or have difficulty redeeming the free subscription offer please leave some feedback on this post.

P.S. If you share this link please let everyone know you found it here at:
